The partners (beneficiaries) in the project were: Technical University of Denmark (DTU),Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Mälardalen University (MDH), Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUKL), TTTech, SYSGO and ABB.
The academic beneficiaries were leaders in their respective areas: DTU—computer architectures, distributed real-time systems, security, machine learning, MDH—dependable systems, resource management, wireless communication, TUWIEN—industrial automation, middleware, Cloud computing, TUKL—multicore-based real-time systems. The company beneficiaries were leaders in their fields: ABB is a world-leading robotics company; TTT is a global leader in the field of robust networking and safety controls, involved in the standardization of the IEEE 802.1 TSN; SYSGO is the European leader in hypervisor based OS technology (PikeOS microkernel), leading EU projects such as EURO-MILS on security.
The project also had the following associated partners, where the PhD students did research visits: Danfoss Power Electronics (DANFOSS), Danish Technological Institute (DTI), UNIBAP, Volvo Construction Equipment, and CISCO.
Please see below information about each partner:

ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB is a multi-national company with offices in most countries of the world. In FORA, ABB will participate with ABB Robotics and ABB Corporate Research. ABB has approximately 6000 persons working with R&D, where ABB Corporate Research has 1000 scientists. ABB Corporate Research in Sweden is…

SYSGO specializes in design, implementation, and configuration of device software for the embedded market. Since its foundation in 1991, the company has been focused on real-time operating systems for use in embedded systems. It’s core competencies are: design, implementation, validation, and distribution of microkernel-based operating systems for real-time embedded applications, microkernel-based virtualization, scheduling for multicore processors, scheduling real-time and non-real-time processes in a virtual machine context. SYSGO has…

Danfoss Power Electronics A/S (DANFOSS)
Since 1968 Danfoss Drives (a division of Danfoss Power Electronics A/S) has been dedicated to developing frequency converters known as VLT® drives, to control speed, torque, acceleration, synchronization, positioning, and the overall performance of electrical motors. The reliable and innovative VLT® drives are designed to support any automation application and provide major energy savings. An award-winning, innovative modular design makes VLT® drives extremely flexible, enabling us to…

Danish Technological Institute (DTI)
Founded in 1906, DTI is a self-owned and not-for-profit institution occupying a crucial position at the point where research, business, and the community converge. DTI’s mission is to promote growth by improving interaction and encourage synergy between these three areas. It has around 1,100 employees, making it one of Denmark’s most significant private institutes to supply approved technological services such as consultancy, tests, certification and training for companies…

Unibap AB (UNIBAP)
Unibap is expert on intelligent processing hardware and software infrastructure for industrial robotics and autonomous systems. The company designs and manufactures highly optimized heterogeneous and fault tolerant processing solutions for Deep Learning algorithms under the Unibap software framework called “Deep Delphi”. The fastest models of the Deep Delphi hardened hardware has 1000 GFLOPS of computational performance spread over GPU, CPU, and FPGAs. Unibap is a start-up company spun…

Volvo Construction Equipment AB (VCE)
Volvo Construction Equipment AB is part of the Volvo Group and among the world’s leading manufacturers of articulated haulers and wheel loaders, and one the world’s foremost manufacturers of excavation equipment, road development machines and compact construction equipment. One important research area for Volvo Construction Equipment is autonomous or semi-autonomous machines.

CISCO Systems, Inc. (CISCO)
Cisco designs, manufactures, and sells IP-based networking and other products related to the communications and information technology industries worldwide. Cisco offers switching products, including fixed-configuration and modular switches, and storage products that provide connectivity to end users, workstations, IP phones, access points, and servers, as well as function as aggregators on local-area networks and wide-area networks; and routers that interconnects public and private IP networks for…

Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute, at the Technical University of Denmark, is the largest computer science department in Denmark and represents a unique combination of computer science & engineering. DTU Compute is organized in 11 research sections, and participates in FORA with two sections: The section on Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) consists of over 10 scientific staff (prof. and assoc. prof.), 5 postdocs and 15 PhD students. ESE has a strong research track…

Technische Universität Wien (TUWIEN)
TU Wien is Austria’s largest scientific-technical research and educational institution, and participates in FORA with two Research Groups: The Automation Systems Group (ASG) is part of Faculty of Informatics, which is the gravitational center of computer science in Austria, and focuses on research in computer engineering. Particular focus is put on distributed automation (factory automation and building automation), industrial communication systems and automation system integration. In addition, knowledge engineering, formal…

Mälardalen University (MDH)
Mälardalen University (MDH) is a young and modern university focusing on applied research and education in close cooperation with industry. The School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) hosts the research profile Embedded Systems (ES). ES is the leading research profile at MDH, and the leading group in Sweden in Embedded Systems related research. Research at ES is organized in 14 mutually supportive and cooperating groups, and focuses on themes…

Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern (TUKL)
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, founded 1970, is a technical oriented University comprising nine departments with about 150 professors. Approximately 8000 students are currently registered. The University has a high reputation: 2 Frauenhofer Institutes, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, a Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems and several other institutes are embedded in the University. The Chair of Real-Time Systems has been involved in a number of international and national…

TTTech Computertechnik AG (TTT)
TTTech Computertechnik AG (TTT) is the leading supplier of dependable networking solutions based on time-triggered technology. The company is headquartered in Vienna, Austria, and employs ca. 500 employees. TTT is engaged in the further development of dependable networking technology in the domains space, aerospace, automotive and industrial control systems. (TTT) provides, as the industrial beneficiary partner, longstanding expertise in the field of dependable real time systems and safety-critical system development.…