The research in FORA has resulted in several technology bricks that can be used in building Fog Computing solutions for Industrial Automation. These technology bricks consist of reference architectures, models, software and hardware prototypes, mechanisms and protocols, etc.
Please contact Dr. Mohammadreza Barzegaran for the licensing details. We list below the main technology bricks produced by the FORA ESRs. Further details are available in the ESR web pages, and in the related deliverables which can be downloaded from here.
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15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) were recruited and enrolled in a doctoral program, where they received training for a period of 36 months, earned a PhD degree, and a personal training program according to their Career Development Plan (CDP).

Jan Ruh Education: M.Sc. in Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT, Germany Research Interests: Virtualization of real-time systems Focus on virtualization of time-triggered systems Ressearch project status: Ongoing PhD Student TTTech Supervisors: Dr. Wilfried Steiner ( Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerhard Fohler Deterministic Virtualization for Mixed Criticality Industrial Applications In Fog Computing, virtualization and time sensitive networking (TSN) are commonly accepted and presumed to act as key enabler of…

Alexandre Silva Venito Education: M.Sc. in Computer Science, UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminese B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering – CEFET-RJ Research Interests: Real-Time Systems Ressearch project status: Ended in 2021 Resource separation mechanisms for Fog Nodes Host: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUKL), Chair of Real Time Systems. Main supervisor: Prof. Gerhard Fohler, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Rodrigo Coelho, Objectives: Ensure the temporal isolation of tasks and partitions on MCPs taking platform resource contentions into…

Eleftherios Kyriakakis Education: PhD in Computer Science, DTU, Denmark MSc in Information and Communication Technology, Embedded Systems, KTH, Sweden BSc in Informatics and Computer Technology, TEI Lamia, Greece Research Interests: Embedded Systems Design Computer Architecture Real-time & Fault-tolerant systems Ressearch project status: Ended in 2021 LinkedIn Open source Fog Node: hardware support for virtualization Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Prof. Martin Schoeberl, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof.…

Dao Van Lan Current position: PhD student, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Malardalen University, Västerås, Sweden Education: Master of engineering, Major – Automation and control engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam; BSC of engineering, Major – Electrical and electronic engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam; Research Interests: Timely and reliable communication for wireless networks; Non-orthogonal multiple access; Physical layer security Embedded systems Hardware security, digital VLSI/ASIC design and FPGA-based…

Zeinab Bakhshi Education: M.Sc. degree in Computer System Architecture from Islamic Azad University B.Sc. degree in computer Hardware engineering Research Interests: Cyber physical systems, Security, Safety, Networking, Error Detection, Error Recovery and Fault Removal, Fog Computing, Embedded Systems, Industrial Automation Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Dependability Services for Fog Computing Infrastructure Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Prof. Hans Hansson, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Sasikumar Punnekkat,…

Vasileios Karagiannis Current Position: Research Scientist, Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien, Austria Education: PhD in Computer Science, Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien, Austria MSc in Integrated Hardware and Software Systems BSc in Computer Science Research Interests: Internet of Things Edge computing Self-organizing systems Google scholar profile Research project status: Ended in 2021 Topic: Distributed Fog Middleware Host: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Distributed Systems Group PhD Thesis: Self-Organizing Fog Computing Systems (ongoing)…

Patrick Denzler Current Position: PhD Candidate TU Wien (Expected Graduation 2022) Education: Dipl. Ing. Electronics, MBA, M.Sc. Production Systems Research Interests: Distributed Systems, Control Theory Emergent System Behaviour Machine Interoperability Philosophy of Science Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student LinkedIn Research activities: Machine interoperability: OPC UA/DDS Gateway Worst Case Execution Time analysis OPC UA Pub/Sub on the T-CREST platform. Detection of unexpected emergent system behaviour. Host: Vienna University of Technology…

Mohammadreza (Reza) Barzegaran Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Education: Ph.D. Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark M.Sc. Control Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran B.Sc. Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Research Interests: Scheduling Optimization Embedded Systems TTEthernet Time Sensitive Applications Research project status: Ended in 2021 LinkedIn Profile Personal Page Ph.D. project Title: Fog configuration for critical control applications Host: Technical…

Václav Struhár Education: MSc. Software Engineering, Mälardalen University, Sweden BSc. Informatics, University of West Bohemia, Czech republic Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Discrete optimization Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Resource management for dependable industrial applications Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Dr. Moris Behnam, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Assistant Prof. Alessandro Papadopoulos, Objectives: Design a middleware that manages requests and local resources to provide more predictable service…

Cosmin Florin Avasalcai Current Position: Software/System Architect, Siemens Education: Ph.D. Computer Science, TU Wien, Austria M.Sc. Computer Science and Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Research Interests: Edge Computing Resource optimization Cloud Computing Research project status: Ended in 2021 LinkedIn Profile Quality of Service aware Resource Provisioning in Edge Computing Host: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Distributed Systems Group Main supervisor: Prof. Schahram…

Koen Pieter Tange Research Interests: Security Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Fog Computing Security Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Associate Prof. Nicola Dragoni, (contact person) Objectives: Analyze the security threats of the Fog Computing infrastructure for Industry 4.0 using use cases from the industrial partners. Develop a security framework that takes advantage of the Fog Nodes (FNs) and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) as security-enabling devices for the system.…

Marine Kadar Education: Diplôme d’Ingénieur Ensimag (France) in 2017 Specialized in Embedded Software Research Interests: Security solutions for safety critical systems Real-Time operating systems Hardware virtualization Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Integration methods for host intrusion detection into embedded mixed-criticality systems Host: SYSGO, Research and Technology. Main supervisors: Dr. Sergey Tverdyshev, (2017-2020) Philipp Gorski, (since 2020) Co-supervisor: Prof. Gerhard Fohler, Objectives: Develop security monitoring solutions capable of detecting security…

Nitin Desai Education: M.Sc. ETIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany B.Tech in Electronics and communication engineering, Anna University, India Research Interests: Wireless control, Drones, Automation, V2V security aspects, Hard RT systems Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Safety assurance of Fog-based industrial systems Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Prof. Sasikumar Punnekkat, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Hans Hansson Objectives: Enable efficient safety certification…

Jia Qian Education: Master Degree: Information Engineering in University Of Padova (Italy) Bachelor Degree: Software Engineering in Fudan University (China) Research Interests: Federated Learning Deep Learning Graph neural Network Data Privacy (Differential privacy, Adversarial Attack) Active Learning Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student LinkedIn Google Scholar Distributed real-time operational data analytics Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Cognitive System (CogSys) section. Main supervisor: Prof. Lars Kai Hansen, (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Xenofon Fafoutis,…

Mohammed Salman, Shaik Education: M.S – Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, Germany “Embedded Systems for Mechatronics” Research Interests: Real-time Systems, Service Oriented Architecture Research project status: Ongoing PhD Student Scheduling of Elastic Real-time Applications Host: ABB Robotics Prof. Thomas Nolte Research Area: 1. Integration of legacy software functions on shared parallel processors, featuring sub-challenges related to predictable interference among software functions, prioritization of software functions and runnable tasks, deadlock-free mutual-exclusion…