15 PhD positions are available at 7 partners in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Austria in the European Training Network FORA—Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation.
Please see below the description of each PhD project, and apply for the positions. Please read the FORA research objectives before you apply for a position. When applying, please apply to a specific partner and for a specific project, based on your interests and background.
Overview of PhD projects

PhD Project 1 (TTT)
Fog Node: virtualization and wired communication Apply Now via TTTech’s job website Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: TTTech, Austria, Research & Development Center. Main supervisor: Dr. Wilfried Steiner, wilfried.steiner@tttech.com (contact person) Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Design a reference architecture for Fog Nodes for industrial automation and robotics use cases.…

PhD Project 2 (TUKL)
Resource separation mechanisms for Fog Nodes This position has already been filled. Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUKL), Chair of Real Time Systems. Main supervisor: Prof. Gerhard Fohler, fohler@eit.uni-kl.de (contact person) Co-supervisor: Rodrigo Coelho, coelho@eit.uni-kl.de Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Ensure the temporal isolation…

PhD Project 3 (DTU)
Open source Fog Node: hardware support for virtualization This position has been filled. Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Prof. Martin Schoeberl, masca@dtu.dk (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Jens Sparsø, jspa@dtu.dk Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Master’s in Computer Science or equivalent Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Develop and evaluate time-predictable hardware mechanisms to support virtualization, such as time-predictable virtual…

PhD Project 4 (MDH)
Timely and Ultra-reliable Wireless Communications for Mobile Fog Networks Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elisabeth Uhlemann, elisabeth.uhlemann@mdh.se (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Mats Björkman, mats.bjorkman@mdh.se Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions The applicant is required to have a Master or equivalent degree with a…

PhD Project 5 (MDH)
Dependability Services for Fog Computing Infrastructure Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Prof. Hans Hansson, hans.hansson@mdh.se (contact person) Co-supervisor: Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, guillermo.rodriguez-navas@mdh.se Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Specification and design of dynamic and adaptive dependability…

PhD Project 6 (TU Wien)
Distributed Fog Middleware This position has already been filled. Host: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Distributed Systems Group Main supervisor: Assistant Prof. Stefan Schulte, s.schulte@infosys.tuwien.ac.at (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Schahram Dustdar, dustdar@dsg.tuwien.ac.at Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Master in Computer Science or equivalent Knowledge of algorithms and data structures Experience with developing large complex software Knowledge about Internet of Things and Cloud technologies is a plus Demonstrated ability to…

PhD Project 7 (TUWIEN)
Machine interoperability: OPC UA/DDS Gateway Please send your application to k@auto.tuwien.ac.at. The application should include motivation letter, CV, certificates, master thesis copy as a PDF (or ZIP archive containing PDFs). Please include a proof of English Proficiency (IELTS Academic, TOEFL, etc.) if available. Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Vienna University of Technology (TUWIEN), Institute of Computer Aided…

PhD Project 8 (DTU)
Fog configuration for critical control applications Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Prof. Paul Pop, paupo@dtu.dk (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Jan Madsen, jama@dtu.dk Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Master’s in Computer Science or equivalent Knowledge of algorithms and data structures Experience with developing large complex software Demonstrated…

PhD Project 9 (MDH)
Resource management for dependable industrial applications This position has already been filled. Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Dr. Moris Behnam, moris.behnam@mdh.se (contact person) Co-supervisor: Assistant Prof. Alessandro Papadopoulos, alessandro.papadopoulos@mdh.se Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions The following skills are also required: Programming skills Operating systems…

PhD Project 10 (TU Wien)
Quality of Service aware Resource Provisioning in Edge Computing This position has already been filled. Host: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Distributed Systems Group Main supervisor: Prof. Schahram Dustdar, dustdar@dsg.tuwien.ac.at (contact person) Co-supervisor: N.N -> formerly Assistant Prof. Stefan Schulte, s.schulte@infosys.tuwien.ac.at Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Master in Computer Science or equivalent Knowledge of algorithms and data structures Experience with developing large complex software Knowledge in Machine Learning and/or Optimization…

PhD Project 11 (DTU)
Fog Computing Security Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Associate Prof. Nicola Dragoni, ndra@dtu.dk (contact person) Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Master’s in Computer Science or equivalent Knowledge of security in distributed systems; background in networking and network security is a plus Experience with software development Demonstrated ability to…

PhD Project 12 (SYSGO)
Virtualization-based continuous monitoring services for security Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: SYSGO, Research and Technology. Main supervisor: Dr. Sergey Tverdyshev, sergey.tverdyshev@sysgo.com Co-supervisor: Prof. Gerhard Fohler, fohler@eit.uni-kl.de Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Develop virtualization-based continuous monitoring solutions for security, capable of detecting security attacks, which takes advantage of the…

PhD Project 13 (MDH)
Safety assurance of Fog-based industrial systems Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Mälardalen University College (MDH), School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Main supervisor: Prof. Sasikumar Punnekkat, sasikumar.punnekkat@mdh.se (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Hans Hansson hans.hansson@mdh.se Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Enable efficient safety certification of Fog-based industrial automation…

PhD Project 14 (DTU)
Distributed real-time operational data analytics Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) section. Main supervisor: Prof. Jan Larsen janla@dtu.dk (contact person) Co-supervisor: Prof. Lars Kai Hansen, lkh@imm.dtu.dk Requirements: Mandatory requirements for all PhD positions Please contact the main supervisor for additional requirements Objectives: Propose data analytics for Industry 4.0 that exploit the connectivity and…

PhD Project 15 (ABB)
Microservices-based app modeling and development Apply Now Important: don’t forget to mention in your application how you found out about the position. Host: ABB, ABB Robotics and ABB Corporate Research section. Contact person: Prof. Thomas Nolte, thomas.nolte@mdh.se Would you like the opportunity to work at our Robotics division with scalable high performance real-time software? Then join us in this PhD-position based in Västerås, Sweden. At ABB Robotics, we develop, manufacture…